Eco-Friendly Practices For Septic Tank Management

Septic systems can contaminate surface water, affecting the entire ecosystem. They can also cause soil damage, resulting in unsafe environmental conditions and loss of agricultural productivity.

Luckily, there are several ways to prevent these issues. A few simple changes can significantly reduce the impact your septic system has on the environment. Talk with Septic Tank Armadale expert today.

septic tank

Avoid Disposing Of Harmful Chemicals

Septic tanks serve a vital role in processing wastewater from households that aren’t connected to public sewer systems. They separate solid waste from the water, allowing the solids to settle at the bottom of the tank and the filtered water (also known as “effluent”) to flow out into perforated pipes and a drain field for further treatment. The proper functioning of a septic system is essential to prevent contamination of groundwater and surrounding soil.

To ensure the proper functioning of your septic system, avoid flushing any chemicals or non-biodegradable materials that can damage or kill bacteria needed for healthy sewage treatment. It’s also important to keep in mind that certain materials, such as corrosive cleaning products or oil-based paints, can seep into the soil and contaminate water supplies.

To help prevent clogs and other waste-related issues, never flush items such as paper towels, feminine hygiene products, baby wipes, or cat litter down the toilet. These items can clog pipes and lead to costly septic system failures. It’s also best to dispose of these types of materials at a hazardous waste disposal site instead of throwing them away in your drain or toilet.

Aside from avoiding flushing harmful chemicals and non-biodegradable materials, you can practice other eco-friendly practices in your household to further reduce the stress on your septic system. For example, it’s important to keep food scraps out of your septic tank, as they can cause a blockage and raise the levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater. Instead, consider adding a backyard compost pile to help naturally break down your food scraps and other organic materials.

In addition, you should avoid parking vehicles or other heavy equipment in the drainfield area, as this can compact and limit the soil’s ability to absorb and treat wastewater. Also, it’s a good idea to designate a dedicated parking space away from the drain field to make it easier for technicians to access your septic system during maintenance inspections. Lastly, you should not use chemical additives to treat your septic system as these can also affect the health of your soil treatment field and reduce the effectiveness of your septic system.

Opt For More Natural Cleaners

Choosing cleaning products that do not harm the bacteria in your septic tank is one of the easiest ways to keep it eco-friendly. Harsh chemicals like bleach can weaken the bacterial population and cause your system to fail. Using eco-friendly products such as baking soda, vinegar, or natural enzyme treatments will not only help your tank function properly but also help keep the environment around it clean.

Keeping your yard free from toxic plants and grasses is another easy way to keep your septic tank eco-friendly. These plants and grasses can be a source of nutrients that could harm the beneficial bacteria in your septic tank and surrounding groundwater. In addition, reducing the amount of water you use in your home is another way to be environmentally conscious. Simply taking shorter showers, turning off the faucet while brushing teeth or washing dishes, and limiting your daily water consumption can make a big difference in how much stress you place on your septic tank and the environment.

It is important to have a regularly scheduled septic tank pump out and inspection to minimize environmental damage. During these appointments, your septic tank is inspected for leaks and cracks that may need to be repaired. Leaks and cracks that are not fixed quickly can lead to wastewater leaking out of your system and into the surrounding groundwater supply. This wastewater can cause a variety of problems including water contamination, soil erosion, and loss of groundwater quality.

Additionally, having regular septic tank cleanings prevents the buildup of waste and reduces the likelihood of clogs. The best cleaners for your septic tank are natural and biodegradable options such as apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and hydrogen peroxide. These cleaners will eliminate odors, degrease pipes, and break down organic waste. In more severe cases of septic tank blockages and backups, mechanical septic tank cleaning is required.

In addition to reducing the environmental impact of your septic system, an eco-friendly septic tank will have advanced wastewater treatment systems that ensure less pollution is released into the environment. Septic tanks that utilize aerobic digestion and sand filters will be more efficient than traditional septic systems, which can leave harmful pollutants in the environment.

Avoid Overconsumption Of Water

Your septic tank works hard to treat wastewater, so it’s important to do what you can to help it function properly. A few simple, everyday practices can go a long way in protecting your septic system’s health.

Avoiding excess water consumption is one of the best things you can do for your septic tank and the surrounding environment. Too much water can dilute the concentration of bacteria that work to break down solid waste materials. As a result, the septic tank will be less effective in treating wastewater and it may require more frequent cleaning or maintenance.

Water conservation can also reduce your septic tank’s operating costs. Turning off taps when you’re not using them, reducing shower times, and repairing leaks promptly can help keep your septic tank functioning more efficiently for longer.

It’s also essential to avoid flushing anything other than human waste and toilet paper down the toilet. Some products that are flushed down the toilet can interfere with the initial treatment process of your septic system, including pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides), medication, paint thinners or solvents, excessive amounts of cleaning products, and toys. Many of these substances can kill or weaken the beneficial bacteria in your septic tank, and they can travel into and pollute groundwater sources.

If you notice an unusually high amount of wastewater in your septic system, call a septic tank professional as soon as possible. There’s likely a clog or other issue in the drain field that needs to be addressed immediately.

Keep an eye out for signs of a clog or leak in the drain field, like soggy yard areas, lush vegetation, and standing water. You can also prevent clogs by diverting downspouts and irrigation systems away from the drain field.

The eco-friendly septic tanks on the market are designed to help you reduce your environmental impact without sacrificing quality or efficiency. These systems use soil absorption as a natural means of wastewater filtration, allowing treated water to be absorbed into the surrounding soil where it naturally purifies itself before entering the nearest water source.

Keep Your Tank Clean

As your septic tank breaks down waste, it releases bacteria and other microorganisms that treat the water before it goes into the drain field. These microbes help keep the sewage system working properly. But they’re not invincible, and some cleaning products can weaken or kill them. Using a chemical-free cleaner helps ensure that these important microbes can continue their work.

The septic tank and its drain field also need regular cleaning to avoid overflows. Overflowing waste can cause a host of health and sanitation issues. Moreover, it can damage the soil, harming plants and animals that come into contact with it. If you’re planning to start a business that offers septic tank cleaning services, it’s important to invest in an eco-friendly solution that reduces the amount of toxins released into the environment.

In addition to reducing the need for harsh chemicals, eco-friendly septic tanks and drain fields make it easier to avoid over-consumption of water. The average household uses about 70 gallons of water per day. If you have a water meter, you can track your usage and limit it when possible to keep the septic system working well.

Even small leaks can put a strain on the septic tank and the drain field. For example, a leaky toilet could waste as many as 200 gallons of water in one day. Such a large volume of water can increase the levels of scum and gunk in your septic tank, leading to a clog or overflow.

Another way to minimize your water use is by taking shorter showers and washing dishes. This can save you a lot of money while helping the environment.

Finally, always make sure that you save all maintenance records on your septic tank. These will be important to have should any problems arise or when you’re ready to sell your home. Eco-friendly septic systems are revolutionizing the waste management industry, allowing for greater sustainability and environmental consciousness. They are an excellent choice for those who want to live off the grid and reduce their reliance on a public sewage system.